Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Program that uses DataRow

Program that uses DataRow [C#]

static DataTable GetTable()


// Here we create a DataTable with four columns.

DataTable table = new DataTable();

table.Columns.Add("Weight", typeof(int));

table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));

table.Columns.Add("Breed", typeof(string));

table.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));

// Here we add five DataRows.

table.Rows.Add(57, "Koko", "Shar Pei", DateTime.Now);

table.Rows.Add(130, "Fido", "Bullmastiff", DateTime.Now);

table.Rows.Add(92, "Alex", "Anatolian Shepherd Dog", DateTime.Now);

table.Rows.Add(25, "Charles", "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel", DateTime.Now);

table.Rows.Add(7, "Candy", "Yorkshire Terrier", DateTime.Now);

return table;



(The DataTable contains five rows.)

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